
UniverCity Environmental Stewards, the neighbourhood group, has no current membership. Thank you to our past members and the residents who participated in the UNES hosted events.

The mandate of UNES is carried on by other parties on Burnaby Mountain Community (please see note re: volunteers at the end). The mandate of UNES was to work towards the protection, preservation, management and restoration of natural habitat and wildlife at UniverCity.

I, Vivian Sorensen, previously the administrator of the website when UNES was active, is currently holding the Univercityenvirostewards.org website from elsewhere in the GVRD. I momentarily visit to make sure everything is working.

Be sure to read our past blogs.

I post updates and generate newsworthy posts via the Twitter account @GreenSchoolUNES. Please follow.


UniverCity’s residents are the backbone of this community movement and the most valuable resource during events such as plant rescue, community clean-up, and environmental monitoring.

Please check out Stoney Creek Environment Committee for fun and exciting volunteering opportunities in the Burnaby Mountain and UniverCity environs.

Thank you to Pablo Vimos for his updates to the current website format.